Procedures for estimating the weight and volume of selected foods reported in cooking units by the National Dietary Survey of 2008-2009


  • Ilana Nogueira BEZERRA Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Luana Silva MONTEIRO Silva MONTEIRO Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Marina Campos ARAUJO Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Rosangela Alves PEREIRA Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Edna Massae YOKOO Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Rosely SICHIERI Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


Data collection, Food consumption, Diet records


The present study described the methods used for estimating the weight and volume of the most consumed foods in Brazil reported in cooking units and presented suggestions that improve the assessment of food consumption reported in dietary surveys in Brazil.

Data from the National Dietary Survey of 2008-2009 were used for describing the rates of measurements reported for the five most commonly consumed items in Brazil (rice, beans, coffee, bread and beef steak), illustrating the construction of the database used in National Dietary Survey and discussing the main difficulties found in the process.

Around 11,800 units of measurement associated with approximately 2,000 foods/preparations were cited. The serving spoon was the most cited measure for rice (57%); ladle for beans (80%); coffee cup for coffee (36%); unit for bread (88%), and unit for beef steak (54%). Misleading and incompatible measurements and those that can hardly be estimated were cited and a standard unit of measurement was used for estimating the amount consumed in these situations.

Procedures were used for minimizing measurement errors when estimating quantities of foods consumed reported by the National Dietary Survey. Efforts to improve the quantification of food intake in national surveys are justified since the standardization of the measures reported in dietary surveys enables national and international comparisons and helps to develop recommendations and guidelines on food and nutrition. 


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How to Cite

Nogueira BEZERRA, I., Silva MONTEIRO, L. S. M., Campos ARAUJO, M., Alves PEREIRA, R. ., Massae YOKOO, E. ., & SICHIERI, R. . (2023). Procedures for estimating the weight and volume of selected foods reported in cooking units by the National Dietary Survey of 2008-2009. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 25(5). Retrieved from

