The effectiveness of the “multi-mixture” as supplement to mineral and/or vitamin deficient diets, promoting weight gain in rats submitted to post-natal under-nourishment


  • Haroldo da Silva FERREIRA Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Monica Lopes de ASSUNÇÃO Fundação Jayme de Altavyla
  • Adijane Oliveira Santos de FRANÇA Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas
  • Eliana Paiva Cunha CARDOSO Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Fabiana Andréa MOURA Universidade Federal de Alagoas


egg shell, protein malnutrition, cassava leaf, vegetable mixtures, rats, dietary supplements


To investigate the effectiveness of the “multi-mixture”, consisting of powdered eggshell, powdered cassava
leaf and wheat bran (1:1:8), as a vitamin and/or mineral supplement in the promotion of weight gain in
undernourished rats.

After weaning, 56 Wistar rats which had been submitted to under-nutrition since birth, were divided randomly
into 7 groups, according to the diet supplied, namely: control, vitamin deficient, mineral deficient, vitamin and
mineral deficient, vitamin deficient supplemented with “multi-mixture”, mineral deficient supplemented with
“multi-mixture”, and vitamin and mineral deficient supplemented with “multi-mixture”. The recorded weight
gains during the treatment period, together with the protein efficiency ratios and the food efficiency ratios,
were taken as indicators of the efficiency of “multi-mixture” as a vitamin and/or mineral supplement.

After 28 days, gains in body weight and the values of protein efficiency ratios and food efficiency ratios were
significantly lower (p<0.05) than those of the control group for all treatment groups except for that fed on
vitamin deficient supplemented with “multi-mixture”. The lowest indicator levels were observed in the group
fed on mineral deficient: supplementation of this diet with “multi-mixture” lead to significant improvements
in weight gain, protein efficiency ratios and food efficiency ratios, but to values still below those obtained for
the control group.

The results suggest that supplementation with “multi-mixture” of diets low in nutritional value can provide
the required vitamins, but only part of the mineral requirements of undernourished rats.


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How to Cite

da Silva FERREIRA, H. ., Lopes de ASSUNÇÃO, M. ., Oliveira Santos de FRANÇA, A. ., Paiva Cunha CARDOSO, E. ., & MOURA, F. A. . (2023). The effectiveness of the “multi-mixture” as supplement to mineral and/or vitamin deficient diets, promoting weight gain in rats submitted to post-natal under-nourishment. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 18(1). Retrieved from

