Reflections on risks and the role of science in building a healthy eating concept


  • Elaine de AZEVEDO Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Risk-taking, Healthy food, Science, Food habits, Sociology


This article aims to delineate two current sociological themes, risk and reflexivity, starting from a discussion that involves science and the concept of healthy eating, pointing out the different aspects involved in the definition of this term. Experts from the areas of Nutrition, Environmental Sociology and Sociology of Scientific Knowledge have collaborated to this essay which points out the need to consider the political context of nutrition research and the participation of different actors, besides specialists, to revitalize the process of building healthy eating and risky eating concepts.


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How to Cite

de AZEVEDO, E. . (2023). Reflections on risks and the role of science in building a healthy eating concept. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 21(6). Retrieved from