Proximate analysis, weight losses and tenderness of pork loin (longissimus dorsi) submitted to different freezing and thawing treatments
meat, swine, proximate analysis, frozen storage, thawing, tendernessAbstract
This paper evaluated the proximate analysis, the weight losses and the tenderness of grilled pork loin (Longissimus dorsi) chops, submitted to two periods of storage (15 and 60 days) and thawed at 7ºC or 25ºC. The higher contents of moisture were found in the pork loin samples kept frozen for 15 days and thawed at 7ºC (59.54%) and in the ones kept frozen for 60 days with thawing at 25ºC (60.51%). Samples stored for 60 days presented higher minerals contents (5.58%) in relation to those stored for 15 days (4.51%) (the analysis was carried out with grilled and pre-salted portions). The different treatments did not influence the lipids and protein contents and the tenderness of the pork loin chops. The use of 25ºC for the thawing caused greater weight losses (40.19%) than 7ºC (33.17%). The results of the present study suggest the application of short periods of frozen storage and thawing in the refrigerator.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ivy Scorzi Cazelli PIRES, Gilberto Paixão ROSADO, Raquel Monteiro Cordeiro de AZEREDO, Lucilene Soares MIRANDA, Mariana Braga NEVES
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