Changes in food consumption and prevalence of overweight and obesity in Brazilian adults between 2008 and 2018
Dietary surveys, Eating, Obesity, OverweightAbstract
To assess dietary intake and weight status changes among Brazilian adults.
In this dietary survey, data from the food consumption modules of the 2008-2009 (n=21,003 adults) and the 2017-2018 (n=28,153 adults) Household Budget Survey were evaluated to estimate the mean consumption (g/day) of 20 food groups. The body mass index was calculated to classify the weight status of adults and estimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity. Differences between surveys were identified when the 95% confidence intervals were not interspersed. All analyses were stratified by gender and considered the sample weight and the complexity of the sample design.
The prevalence of overweight increased both among men (38.4%; 95% CI: 36.8-40.0, in 20082009 vs. 42.2%; 95% CI: 40.9-43.5, in 2017-2018) and women (29.5%; 95% CI: 58.0-30.9 vs. 35.2%; 95% CI: 34.0-36.4, respectively). Mean consumption of poultry and eggs (57.6g/day vs. 77.9 g/day in men and 43.5g/day vs. 57.3g/day in women, p<0.05) and fast foods (31.3g/day vs. and 48.7g/day in men and 25.3g/day in 2008-2009 vs. 34.8g/day in women, p<0.05) increased between the two surveys, while the mean consumption of rice, beans, fruits, coffee and tea, f ish and seafood, processed meats, milk and dairy products, sweets and desserts, sugary drinks, and soups declined.
The Brazilian food consumption pattern follows the increased prevalence of overweight and reinforces the need to encourage healthy patterns that revive our country’s food culture and eating habits.
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