Maternal depression: Associations between behavioral problems in school-aged children, organization patterns, adversities, and family environment resources
Child, Child behavior, Depression, Mothers, Risk factorsAbstract
The objective of this study was to verify possible associations between family organization patterns, adversities, Family environment resources, and behavioral problems “in children of mothers with recurrent depression” (Group 1) compared with “children of mothers without psychiatric disorders” (Group 2). A total of 100 mother-child dyads were divided into two equal groups and were evaluated individually using the following instruments: General questionnaire; Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; Escala de Eventos Adversos; Escala de Adversidade Crônica; Inventário de Recursos do Ambiente Familiar; Raven, and na interview about family patterns. When compared to Group 2, Group 1 showed significantly more behavioral problems, adverse events, and chronic adversities and fewer family resources and family organization patterns. Negative and moderate associations were observed between behavioral problems and positive family organization patterns, evidencing the importance of mental health actions aimed at improving these patterns.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Marina Delduca CILINO, Ana Paula Casagrande SILVA-RODRIGUES, Karina PEREIRA-LIMA, Fernanda Aguiar PIZETA, Sonia Regina LOUREIRO
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