Perception of annoyance toward environmental noise: a partia! and preliminary model
perception ofnoise, annoyance toward noise, and environrnental assessmentAbstract
The objectivc of this study was to learn how pcople perceive environmental noicc. The research was conducted in the Asa Norte ofthe Plano Piloto part ofBrasília. Using a mail survey, at random sample of 480 addrcsses, 103 respondents was obtained. It was observcd that noise was noticed more frequcntly at night, affecting sleep; however it was notjudged as an annoyance. A partia!and preliminary model was built about the perception of noise. The model indicated as thc most important variables: (1) satisfaction with apartment, (2) satisfaction with the apartment building, (3) residential density and (4) age ofthe respondent. It was concluded that: any regulation with respect to environmcntal annoyanccs such asnoise must consider not only the sonorous stimulus ut psychosocial variables as well.
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