From the 2010 national conference on education to the national education plan (201 1–2020)


  • José Luís Sanfelice Universidade Estadual de Campinas



National conference on education, National education plan, Educational policy, National education system


This article isdedicated to the theme ofthedrafting the new National Education Plan. to remain in effect from 201 1 to 2020. The design ofthe new National Education Plan,assubmitted by the Executive Branch to the Legislative Branch in December 2010, is predicated on the main primary sources used, Two other documents are compa red:the final Document – 2010 NaTional Conference on Education and the 2009 Brazilian National Household Sample Survey conducted by the
InsTituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, and analyzed by the Institute of Applied Economic Research ir, Communiqué no_ 66_ The design of the National Education PFan is briefly presented in terms of guidelines, goals and strategies. Specific points are made by add ressing certain key issues: pre-school educaTion, primary education, secondary education, higher education,illiteracy, educational fu nding, training and the recognÊtion of the teaching staff. There are both quantitative and qualitative issues. The final consÊderations revoÊve around the uncenainty, in relation to the intewenüon that Congress will make to the project assubmitted; will they fast forward, nwind or will it remain as it is now. 


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Author Biography

José Luís Sanfelice, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação, Departamento de Filosofia e História da Educação. R. Bertrand Russell, 801, Barão Geraldo, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brasil.
E-mail: <>.


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How to Cite

Sanfelice, J. L. (2012). From the 2010 national conference on education to the national education plan (201 1–2020). Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, 16(1), 7–17.



Seção Temática: O Plano Nacional de Educação