Narratives that wander
transgressing colorful potentials in baby language
Cartography, Curricula, Child education, Inventiveness, LanguageAbstract
This article aims to traverse the inventive processes of babies navigating through unnoticed curricula in Early Childhood Education, concealed in an apparent non-existence but permeated by their bodily expressions and narratives composed of unspoken words, communicating new learning worlds that overflow and break the boundaries of the sound in which babies experience movements of invention and resistance in their everyday actions. It adopts cartography as
its methodology, traced amid the experiences lived in a Municipal Center of Early Childhood Education. The study weaves textures that affirm a communicative and potent life of babies, deviating from standardizations and platformizations to elevate singular and multiple modes, facing openings to reverberate, with those who join the text, finding veins to resist dogmatizations
amidst the pulsating of languages, creations, searches, and learning alongside the paths of other bodies, affections, and inventiveness.
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