
  • Alberto Cupani UFSC

Palabras clave:

rationality of science, scientific rationality, logic of research


By the time Philosophy of Science was understood as a logical reconstruction of scientific research, the rationality of science was of course never at stake. With the historical “turn” in that discipline, the conviction that science is rationat became subject to revision. In This paper l elucidate the cultural roots of the traditional notion of the rationality of science, and spell out the many ways by which this notion has been criticized over the last decades. I also point out the new aspects revealed by those criticisms in the notion of the rationality of sience. Finally, I show the problems which current Philosophy of Science hast to íackte as a consequence of the shift in the status
of that notion. 


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Cómo citar

Cupani, A. (2024). LA RACIONALIDAD DE LA CIENCIA: DE AXIOMA A PROBLEMA. Reflexão, 25(78). Recuperado a partir de


