The ēthos of the Gospel According to Marks (Mc 3:20-35)
Ēthos, Language, Mark, RhetoricAbstract
This article proposes a reading and analysis of a passage from the Gospel according to Mark (3:20-35). A study will be conducted on the rhetorical category called ēthos, which is manifested in the aforementioned biblical text, from this biblical passage. Our theoretical framework included linguists such as Fiorin, Authier-Revuz, Benveniste, Lausberg, and Barthes, and literary critics such as Frye, Auerbach, and Curtius. Broadly, linguists and literary critics can be designated as language scientists, and more narrowly, we should say that we selected these theorists because their theories are directly or indirectly linked to Rhetoric. The result of the proposed investigation points to the importance of implementing different theoretical supporting elements applied to the biblical text since ēthos ēthos research, as proposed, is traditional in linguistic studies but not in historical-critical exegesis. The ēthos of the biblical passage is linked to the discourse of the lower classes that claim their religious and social legitimacy through discursive and feasible struggles against privileged groups of Palestinian society in the 1st century AD
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