The face of the other as ethical foundment at Emmanuel Lévinas


  • Marcelo Sales


Ethics, Others, Face, Subjectivity, Lévinas


The thought of Lévinas it is placed between the phenomenology and existential philosophy. It questions the bases of ontology when present the humanism like “the ethics” of the transcendence. It seems that Lévinas articulates the concepts of his thought
begining from this “historical event founder” that is the historical context of the second World war to work out an ethics of the responsibility. The reception of the word of the other - reception of the epiphany of the face - consists in being posed like person in charge, i.e. with the service of others. From its experiment of the war and camps of concentration, Lévinas “dismounts” the philosophy of being and proposes a philosophy of the other. Its ethics - critical concern of the ontology which brings back the Other to Same - is a setting in question of the spontaneousness of Same by the presence of Others. Others, it is the foreigner, the poor one, the man with the naked skin and the body marked by violences. When it is about nudity and
of the suffering of the others it cannot be a question any more of “knowledge” if not of “responsibility”; another way of
dropping the mask to accomodate the first speech of the nudity of the face.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Sales


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How to Cite

Sales, M. (2015). The face of the other as ethical foundment at Emmanuel Lévinas. Reflexão, 30(88). Retrieved from


