Religion and Politic in Latin America
Brazil and Argentina experienced, in the second half of the 20th century, similar political processes, marked by civil-military dictatorships (1964/1985 – Brazil; 1976/1983 – Argentina) and the subsequent reconstruction of democracy. Engagement in the factual world, assumed by religious institutions and movements, in the years preceding the imposition of dictatorships in both countries, and which persisted, even in the harshest periods of authoritarian regimes, reverberating in different sectors and dimensions of social and popular movements , marked a new phase in the social history of these countries. In this context, in the different political and religious scenarios that comprise it – pre-dictatorship, dictatorship, period of opening and period of reconstruction of democracy – libertarian and conservative theologies began to dispute ideas and practices, seeking hegemony in the public space. This dossier aims to bring together contributions that fall within the sphere of relations between religion and politics in the social environment of Brazil, Argentina and other Latin American countries with related experiences from the beginning of the 1960s to the present.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Rosa Cloclet da Silva, Douglas Ferreira Barros, Glauco Barsalini, Mariano Fabris, Roberto Di Stefano
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.