In this article the author gives an account of Neopositivism, of Popper’s empiricism and of the views of Thomas Kuhn. So far as
logical empiricism is concerned, the author puts forward the principle of veriflability and the tnfluence of mathematical logic
It isargued that the search forobjectivity had some consequences psychological consideratÉons had to be elirninated, the logic was
applied to itself , a formal language had to be built and formalism made the construction of models unavoidable. The author
stresses what he means to be the main features of Popper’s metasctence putting forward his attempt to challenge the positivistic view of objectivity. After giving an account of the views of Newton, Einstein and Heisenberg concerning the problem of scientific objectivity, he deals with Thomas Kuhn, who points out the role of scientific revolutions and the emergence of new paradigms. It is cÉaimed that in spite of Kuhn’s emphasis on so called external elements in scientific work he fails to estimate the importance of ideology and his analysis remains restricted to natural science. The article is put to the concluston that there is nothing as an absolute objectivity and that the reported philosophies do not provide a solution to the problem of social sciences, so far as these sciences have their own epistemological status.
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