
  • MArcello Souza Costa Neves Koudela UFRJ


empiricism, observationatism, theoretical determinism


In science, can we assume the existence of some type of connection between the observational and the theoretical level, in other words, a link between observational descriptions and theoretical exptanations? And if we can, what is the intensity and nature of this connection between the two? The “ standard view” empiricist theory, founded by Bacon, affirms that the experimental method is the only way to create and justify any scientific theory. However, after a long period of time being considered the most correct, the empiricism has suífered criticism and hst strength. Comte pointed the importance of imagination and formulation of hypothesis, in order to support the possibility of production of theories before use of the experimental method. The togical empiricists, on the other hand, tried to solve the matter by studding the nature of the relation between the language of obsewation and the language of theory. Popper tried show, even though the generation of theories are independent from experimentation, only the empirical basis serve for its evaluation. According to him,
even though observations are made from a theoretical point of view, theories can only be justified through observation. However, Feyerabend suppose the distinction between observationat and theoreticat language is erased, and suggests a theoretical determinism ofobservational activity, which seems like an “ inverted obsewationalism” . In other words, the adoption of a theory limits the observationat spectrum, “ selecting
its retevant facts. 


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How to Cite

Souza Costa Neves Koudela, M. (2024). FATS ET THÉORIES: DE L’OBSERVATIONISME AU THÉORETICISME EN PHILOSOPHIE DE LA SCIENCE. Reflexão, 27(81/82). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/reflexao/article/view/10822