
  • Maria Arlene FAUSTO Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

Palabras clave:

vitamina A, câncer


Nos últimos anos, muitos estudos têm sido realizados com o objetivo de avaliar qual a relação existente entre níveis séricos e/ou consumo de vitamina A e câncer em diversos sítios do organismo humano.  Considerando-se que a carcinogênese é caracterizada por uma desordem na diferenciação celular e que a maior função fisiológica da vitamina A é controlar essa diferenciação, há uma razão muito forte para supor que essa vitamina tenha alguma relação com a incidência de câncer em humanos. Nesta revisão constata-se que apesar das diversas abordagens epidemiológicas utilizadas, ainda não foi determinado se o consumo da vitamina A realmente se constitui num fator que controla a carcinogênese nem se existe qualquer relação entre níveis dessa vitamina e o aparecimento do câncer.


ATUKORALA, S.; BASU, T. K.; DICKERSON, J. W. T.; DONALDSON, D. & SAKULA, A. Vitamin A, zinc and lung cancer. Brítish Journal of Cancer, London, v. 40, p.927-931, 1979.

BASU, T. K; TEMPLE, N. J. & HODGSON, A. M. Vitamin A, beta-carotene and cancer. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, New York, v. 259, p.217-228, 1988.

BERTRAM, J. S; MOLONEL, L. N. & MEYSKENS, F. L. Rationale and strategies for chemoprevention of cancer in humans. Cancer Research, Baltimore, v. 47, p.3012-3031, 1987.

COLDITZ, G. A; BRANCH, L. G.; LIPNICK, R. J; WILLET, W. C.; ROSNER, B.; ROSNER, B. M. & HENNEKENS, C. H. Increased green and yellow vegetable intake and lowered cancer deaths in an elderly population. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Bethesda, v. 41, p.32-36, 1985.

FRIEDMAN, G. D; BLANER, W. S.; GOODMAN, D. S; VOGELMAN, J. H; BRIND, J. L; HOOVER, R.; FIREMAN, B. H. & ORENTREICH, N. Serum retinol and retinol binding protein levels do not predict subsequent lung cancer. The American — Journal — of Epidemiology, Baltimore, v. 123, p.781-791, 1986.

GENSLER, H. L; WATSON, R. R.; MORIGUCHI, S. & BONDEN, T. Effects of dietary retynil palmitate or 13 cis-retinoic acid in the promotions of tumors in mouse skin. Cancer Research, Baltimore, v. 47, p.967-970, 1987.

GOODMAN, D. S. Vitamin A and retinoids in health and disease. New England Journal of Medicine, Boston, v. 310, p.1023-1031, 1984.

GRAHAM, S. Epidemiology of retinoids and cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Washington, v. 73, p.1423-1428, 1984.

________; MARSHALL, J; HAUGHEY, B; BRASURE, J; FREUDENHEIM, J; ZIELEZNY, M; WILKINSON, G. & NOLAN, J. Nutritional epidemiology of cancer of theesophagus. The American Journal of Epidemiology, Baltimore, v. 131, p.454-467, 1990.

HENNEKENS, C. H.; MAYRENT, S. L. & WILLET, W. Vitamin A carotenoids and retinoids. Cancer, Philadelphia, v. 58, p. 1937S-1941S, 1986.

HINDS, M. W.; KOLONEL, L. N.; HANKIN, J. H. & LEE, J. Dietary vitamin A, carotene, vitamin C and risk of lung cancer in Hawaii. The American Journal of Epidemiology, Baltimore, v. 119, p.227-237, 1984.

HISLOP, T. G.; BAND, P. R.; DESCHAMPS, M.; Ng, V.; COLDMAN, A. J.; WORTH, A. J. & LABO, T. Diet and histologic types of benign breast disease defined of subsequent risk of breast cancer. The American Journal of Epidemiology, Baltimore, v. 131, p.263-270, 1990.

KARK, J. D.; SMITH, A. H.: SWITZER, B. R. & HAMES, C. G. Serum vitamin A (retinol) and cancer incidence in Evans County, Georgia. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Washington, v. 66, p.7-16, 1987.

KOLONEL, L; HANKIN, J. & LEE, J. Diet and prostate cancer (abstract). The American Journal of Epidemiology, Baltimore, v. 118, p.454, 1983.

________; ________ & YOSHIEAWA, C. N. Vitamin A and prostate cancer in elderly men, enhancement of risk. Cancer Research, Baltimore, v. 47, p. 2982-2985, 1987.

KUNE, G. A; KUNE, S.; WATSON, L. F.; PIERCE, R.; FIELD, B.; VITETTA, L.; MERENSTEIN, D.; HAYSES, A. & IRVING, L. Serum levels of beta-carotene, vitamin A, and zinc in male lung cancer cases and controls. Nutrition and Cancer, Hillsdale, v. 12, p.169-176, 1989.

LIPPMAN, S. M. & MEYSKENS UJR, F. L. Retinoids as anticancer agents. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, New York, v. 259, p. 229-244, 1988.

MARUBINI, B.; DECARLI, A; COSTA, A; MAZZOLENI, C; ANDREOLI, C.; BARBIERI, A.; CAPITELLI, E; CARLUCCI, M.; CAVALLO, F. & MONFERRONI, N. The relationships of dietary intake and serum levels of retinol and beta-carotene with breast cancer. Cancer, Philadelphia, v. 61, p.173-180,

METTLIN, C; GRAHAM, S. & SWANSON, M. Vitamin A and lung cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Washington, v. 62, p.1435-1438, 1979.

NOMURA, A. N. Y.; STEMMERMANN, G. N.; HEIBRUN, L. K; SALKED, C. M. & VUILLEUMIER, J. P. Serum vitamin levels and the risk of cancer of specific sites in men of japanese ancestty in Hawaii. Cancer Research, Baltimore, v. 45, p.2369-2372, 1985.

OLSON, J. A. Carotenoids, vitamin A and cancer. Journal of Nutrition, Baltimore, v. 116, p.1127-1130, 1986. PAGANINI-HILL, A; CHAO, A; ROSS, R. K. & HENDERSON, B. G. Vitamin A, beta-carotene, and risk of cancer a prospective study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Washington, v. 79, p.443-448, 1987.

PELEG, I.; HEYDON, S.; KNOWLES, M. & HAMES, C. G. Serum retinol and risk of subsequent cancer, extension of Evans County, Georgia, study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Washington, v. 73, p.1455-1458, 1984.

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RUSSELL, M. I; THOMAS, B. S. & BULBROOK, R. D. A prospective study of the relationship between serum vitamins A and E and risk of breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer, London, v. 57, p.213-215, 1988.

SHEKELLE, R. B; LIU, S; RAYNOR, W. J; LEPPER, M.; MALIZH, C.; ROSSOF, A. H.; PAUL, O.; SHRYOCK, A. M. & STAMLER, I. Dietary vitamin A and risk of cancer in the Western Eletric study. Lancet, London, v. 2, p.1185-1190, 1981.

SHOBER, S. E.; COMSTOCK, G. I. U.; HELSING, K. J.; SALKELD, R. M.; MORRIS, J. S.; RIDER, A. A. & BROOKMEYER, R. Serologic “precursors of cancer, prediagnostic sérum nutrients and colon canceêr risk. The Ameriícan Journal of Epidemiology, Baltimore, v. 126, p.1033-1041, 1987.

SLATTERY, M. L; SCHUMAN, K. L; WEST, D. W.; FRENCH, T. K & ROBISONN, L. M. Nutrient intake and ovarian cancer. The Ameriícan Journal of Epidemiology, Baltimore, v. 130, p.497-502, 1989.

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STERN, P. A; GLONINGER, M. F.; KULLER, L. H.; MARSH, G. M.; RADFORD, E. P. & WEINBERG, G. B. Dietary vitamin A defficiences and stomach cancer. The Ameriícan Journal of Epidemiology, Baltimore, v. 121, p.65-70, 1985.

TOMKIN, G. H; SCOTT, L; OGBUAH, C. & SHAUGHNESSY, M. O. Carcinoma of the colon association with low dietary vitamin A in females, preliminay communication. Journal of the Royal Society of Mediícine, London, v. 79, p.463-464, 1986.

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WALD, N. J.; BOREHAM, J.; HAYWARD, J. L. & BULBROOK, R. D. Plasma retinol, beta-carotene and vitamin E levels in relation to the future risk of breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer, London, v. 49, p. 321-324, 1984.

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WATSON, R. R. & LEONARD, T. K. Selenium and vitamin A, E, and C, association with cancer prevention properties. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Baltimore, v. 86, p.505-510, 1986.

WILLET, W. C & MACMAHON, B. Diet and cancer an: overview. New England Journal of Medicine, Boston, v. 310, p.633-638, 1984.

WILLET, W. C.; POLK, B. F.; UNDERWOOD, B. A.; STAMPFER, M. J; PRESSEL, S.; ROSNER, B; TAYLOR, J. O; SCHNEIDER, K. & HAMES, C. G. Relation of serum vitamins A and E and carotenoids to the risk of cancer. New England Journal of Medicine, Boston, v. 310, p.430-434, 1984.

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Cómo citar

FAUSTO, M. A. (1991). VITAMINA A E CÂNCER. Revista De Nutrição, 4(1-2). Recuperado a partir de