
  • Maria Arlene FAUSTO Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto


vitamin A, cancer


Many studies have been recently made aiming to assess the relationship between serum levels and/or vitamin A intake and cancer at various sites of the human organism. Taking into account that carcinogenesis characterized by a disorder in cellular differentiation and that the major physiological function of vitamin A is to control such differentiation process one is strongly led to suppose that the cited relationship really exists. The present review shows that despite various epidemiological approaches used, it still remains to be determined if vitamin A intake is a factor in the control of carcinogenesis, or if there is any relationship between the leveis of vitamin A and onset of cancer.


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How to Cite

FAUSTO, M. A. (1991). VITAMIN A AND CANCER. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 4(1-2). Retrieved from