Transgenic and conventional Brazilian soybeans don’t cause or prevent preneoplastic colon lesions or oxidative stress in a 90-day in vivo study


  • Felipe Augusto SBRUZZI Universidade Federal de Alfenas
  • Vinícius de Paula VENÂNCIO Universidade José do Rosário Vellano
  • Maria Cristina Costa RESCK Universidade José do Rosário Vellano
  • Maísa Ribeiro Pereira Lima BRIGAGÃO Universidade Federal de Alfenas
  • Luciana AZEVEDO Universidade Federal de Alfenas

Palabras clave:

Aberrant crypt foci, Colon carcinogenesis, Dimethlyhydrazine, Free radicals, Genetically Modified Organisms, Transgenic soybean


The study presents the results of a 90-day safety assessment of rats fed with four varieties of soybeans, BRS 245 RR and BRS Valiosa RR (transgenic), BRS 133 and MG BR46 Conquista (non-transgenic).

Diets were prepared by incorporating toasted soybean flour to a commercial diet at 1%, 10% or 20% weight In the in vivo experimental the rats’ body weight, body weight gain, food consumption, number of aberrant crypt foci, oxidative stress biomarkers, urea and creatinine levels were analyzed and compared between experimental groups, as well as histopathological observations (digestive tract, liver, kidneys).

The results indicate that glyphosate-tolerant soy varieties neither induce nor prevent aberrant crypt foci induction, nor do their conventional counterparts. Similarly, none of the four soybean varieties tested induced changes in the digestive tract, liver or kidney. Serum biochemical parameters were also unchanged.

The consumption of both, conventional and transgenic soybeans, were insufficient to ameliorate dimethylhydrazine-induced oxidative stress. 


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Cómo citar

SBRUZZI, F. A., VENÂNCIO, V. de P., Costa RESCK, M. C., Ribeiro Pereira Lima BRIGAGÃO, M. ., & AZEVEDO, L. (2023). Transgenic and conventional Brazilian soybeans don’t cause or prevent preneoplastic colon lesions or oxidative stress in a 90-day in vivo study. Revista De Nutrição, 26(4). Recuperado a partir de

