Associations between taste sensitivity, preference for sweet and salty flavours, and nutritional status of adolescents from public schools
Palabras clave:
Adolescents, Nutritional status, Taste perceptionResumen
This study aimed to investigate the associations between taste sensitivity, preference for sweet and salty flavours, and nutritional status of adolescents in public schools.
We used a cross-sectional study involving 1,036 adolescents of both sexes, aged 10-19 years. Preference for sweet or salty flavours and preference for foods high in sugar or sodium were evaluated. Measurements of body mass index and taste flavour intensity recognition were conducted.
Most participants were unable to identify the flavours and/or intensities, and only 18.0% of participants were able to correctly identify both the flavour and intensity of the samples. Most participants (82.1%) preferringsweet foods had low sensitivity to this taste, just as a large proportion of individuals preferring saltiness (82.3%) were less sensitive to salt (p<0.001). Preference for saltiness was associated with pre-obesity.
We found an association between a preference for sweet or salty flavours and nutritional status, highlighting the importance of poor food choices in the development of obesity and other chronic diseases.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Marize Melo dos SANTOS, Camila Santos MARREIROS, Herika Brenda Santana da SILVA, Ana Raquel Soares de OLIVEIRA, Kyria Jayanne Clímaco CRUZ

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