Consumer food environment assessment and its association with socioeconomic factors in a midsize city in Brazil


Palabras clave:

Environment, Food, Socioeconomic factors


To assess the consumer food environment and its associations with socioeconomic factors in a midsize Brazilian city.
An ecological study that assessed the consumer food environment through audits in a stratified and proportional sample of food stores. The ESAO-S and the ESAO-R instruments were used. Access to healthy food was assessed using the Healthy Food Store Index and the Healthy Meal Restaurant Index. Socioeconomic and demographic characteristics and the Health Vulnerability Index were obtained from the 2010 Demographic Census. Statistical analyses were performed using the IBM®SPSS® software.
A total of 280 food stores were assessed. Only 47.1% of food stores for home consumption had fruits, vegetables, or legumes. High availability of ultra-processed food was identified, such as sugar-sweetened beverages (85.0%) and chocolate sandwich cookies (77.8%). The prices of some unprocessed foods and the availability of snacks were different according to socioeconomic characteristics. In food stores for immediate consumption, low availability of healthy options was identified, and, in most of them, natural juices had higher prices than sugar-sweetened beverages (87.1%). The mean Healthy Food Store Index score was 5.1 (SD=3.6), and the Healthy Meal Restaurant Index was 2.4 (SD=1.2).
These findings allow us to expand the knowledge about the consumer food environment, helping to implement public policies related to food supply.


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Cómo citar

PEREIRA, P. M. de L., NEVES, F. S., NOGUEIRA, M. C., & CÂNDIDO, A. P. C. (2023). Consumer food environment assessment and its association with socioeconomic factors in a midsize city in Brazil. Revista De Nutrição, 36. Recuperado a partir de




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