The action of a multidisciplinary team in the nutritional care of critically ill patients


  • Heitor Pons LEITE Departamento de Pediatria, Disciplina de Nutrologia, Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Werther Brunow de CARVALHO Departamento de Pediatria, Disciplina de Nutrologia, Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Juliana Fernandez SANTANA e MENESES Equipe Multidisciplinar de Terapia Nutricional, Hospital São Paulo.


nutritional support, malnutrition, enteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition, intensive care unit


Hospitalized patients may have special nutrient requirements imposed by a combination of malnutrition and enhanced utilization of nutrients resulting from the disease process. Nutritional support, mainly during critical stages of disease, should be provided safely and effectively. Several studies have evaluated the paper of a multidisciplinary team in the administration of a nutritional therapy. Individually, the majority of these studies are underpowered to evaluate an effect on the quality of nutritional care. With the objective to identify problems inherent to the supply of nutritional support to hospitalized patients and verify the impact of the actions of a multidisciplinary team on the quality of these procedures, we analysed articles that have been published between 1980 and 2004 about the role of the action of multidisciplinary teams in the care and nutritional outcome of hospitalized patients, especially those undergoing intensive care. The terms used for the search were: “multidisciplinary team”, “nutritional support”, “parenteral nutrition”, “enteral feeding”, “critically ill”, intensive care unit, “critically ill child”. Of 130 studies, intially identified, just 24 were selected, of which 14 compared the standard of nutritional therapy with and without the presence of a multidisciplinary team. The inadequate supply of nutrients, infection and metabolic complications and the excessive use of parenteral nutrition were the main problems detected in the supply of nutritional support to hospitalized patients. In the comparative studies, the presence of the multidisciplinary team improved the pattern of nutritional support, and reduced the incidence of complications and the costs.


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How to Cite

LEITE, H. P. ., CARVALHO, W. B. de, & SANTANA e MENESES, J. F. . (2023). The action of a multidisciplinary team in the nutritional care of critically ill patients. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 18(6). Retrieved from