
  • Flavio Luiz Schieck VALENTE


hunger, food deprivation, nutrition disorders, social conditions


This essa)7 attempts to review the evolution of the concept of Food and Nutrition Security at both national and international levels , anal)>sing briefly the actions tmdertaken in Brazil against hunger and nutritionat disorders. It also evaluates from a critical point of view the present Food and Nutrition Security situation in Brazil and the political and institutional context in which actions have been undertaken. It conctudes by presenting an analysis of the collaborative work o.f the national and international civil society organizations , trying to identify the tasks in the building process of a just, equitable and sustainable society and nutrition security , in Brazil and in the world. having the human being as its central prlorlt\1.


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How to Cite

Schieck VALENTE, F. L. . (1997). FROM THE HUNGER CAMPAIGN TOWARDS FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY: THE RIGHT TO ADEQUATE FOOD. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 10(1). Retrieved from



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