
  • Valdemiro Carlos SGARBIERI UNICAMP
  • Admar Costa de OLIVEIRA UNICAMP
  • Flávia Maria NETTO UNICAMP
  • Miguel Arcanjo AREAS UNICAMP
  • Ricardo Gonçalves COELHO UNICAMP
  • Semíramis Martins Álvares DOMENE UNICAMP
  • Ângela de Almeida DUARTE UNICAMP
  • Maria Margareth Veloso NAVES UNICAMP
  • Nélida Vicente VICENTE UNICAMP


balanced diet, lipid source, protein uti/ization, casein, soybean, rat


The interaction of two sources of dietary lipids (soybean oi/ and lard) and two sources of protein (casein and soybean protein isolate) was studied with respect to body weight gain, diet andprotein efficiency ratio, apparent protein digestibility, biological value and net protein utilization. Growing rats of the Wistar strain were used in the experiment. lt was observed that for the sarne protein the source of dietary lipid did not affected significant/y protein nutritive value, but the combination of casein and soybean oi/ gave the best results where as that of soybean protein isolate and soybean oi/ was the worse. However, soybean protein isolate when combined with /ard gave as good protein value as casein.


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How to Cite

SGARBIERI , V. C. ., Costa de OLIVEIRA , A., NETTO, F. M., Arcanjo AREAS, M. ., Gonçalves COELHO, R. ., Martins Álvares DOMENE, S. ., … Vicente VICENTE, N. . (1989). INFLUENCE OF DIETARY LIPID ON UTILIZATION OF CASEIN ANO SOYBEAN PROTEIN BY WISTAR RATS. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 2(2). Retrieved from

