
  • Janaina das NEVES Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Gerson Luís FACCIN Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Maria das Graças TAVARES-DO-CARMO Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


lactação, animais lactentes, álcool etílico, crescimento, leite, ratos de cepas endogâmicas, síndrome alcóolica fetal


The possibility that maternal ingestion of alcohol during lactation could affect milk production and composition and could impair neonatal growth was explored. Lactating rats fed with 20% of ethanol during lactation and respective progeny (AL) were com­ pared with control animais (C). AII animais were killed on the 12th day of lactation. ln the AL dams, food intake decreased determining a significantly lower body weight when compared with controls. Alcohol ingestion during lactation caused a reduction of daily milk production and its composition was significantly lower in carbohydrate, while the lipid and protein contents were similar to those of control dams. Progeny of alcoholic mothers showed a reduced growth and a noticeable malnutrition when compared with progeny of control mothers. These data showed that the ethanol consumption during lactation altered milk production and composition, which, in turn, were associated with retarded postnatal growth and development.


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How to Cite

das NEVES, J., FACCIN, G. L., & TAVARES-DO-CARMO, M. das G. (1995). EFEITO DA INGESTÃO DE ÁLCOOL DURANTE A LACTAÇÃO SOBRE A PRODUÇÃO E COMPOSIÇÃO DO LEITE MATERNO E SOBRE O CRESCIMENTO DA PROLE: ESTUDO EM RATAS. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 8(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/nutricao/article/view/9894

