Micronutrients supplementation during the senescence: implications for the immunological functions


  • Maria Rita Carvalho Garbi NOVAES Universidade de Brasília
  • Marina Kyomi ITO Universidade de Brasília
  • Sandra Fernandes ARRUDA Universidade de Brasília
  • Polyana RODRIGUES Universidade de Brasília
  • Adriana Queiroz LISBOA Universidade de Brasília


aging, nutritional status, micronutrients, immune system


The increase of the elderly population is a world-wide common phenomenon. According to some projections, in the year 2050, older people will constitute about 22% of the world population. Immune system deregulation in aging individuals is mainly a result of changes in cell mediated immunity, characterized by an increased number of immature T lymphocytes (CD2+CD3-), a decrease of T virgin lymphocytes (CD45RA), an increase of memory T lymphocytes (CD45RO), and by an increase in T helper 2 cells associated with a decrease in T helper 1 subset. Although changes in humoral immunity are less accentuated in the aging process, lower affinity for antigens and a narrower spectrum of the antibodies were observed in older people, as a dysfunction of immune response. Recent studies show that, in the aging, the supplementation of specific micronutrients is effective in restoring the normal immune response


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How to Cite

Carvalho Garbi NOVAES, M. R. ., Kyomi ITO, M., Fernandes ARRUDA, S., RODRIGUES, P. ., & Queiroz LISBOA, A. . (2023). Micronutrients supplementation during the senescence: implications for the immunological functions. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 18(3). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/nutricao/article/view/9838