Diet and gastric cancer: historical aspects associated with dietary patterns in the state of Pará, Brazil


  • Ana Lúcia da Silva RESENDE Secretaria Executiva de Estado de Saúde Pública do Pará
  • Inês Echenique MATTOS Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
  • Sergio KOIFMAN Fundação Oswaldo Cruz


diet, manihot flour, stomach neoplasms, salt


Gastric cancer still constitutes an important public health problem in the state of Pará, Brazil, where mortality
rates are above the Brazilian average rates. The historical basis of occupation of the Amazon region, as well as the social-economic relations established during this process, have marked the dietary patterns of this state.
The aim of this work is to reconstruct some of the main characteristics of the dietary pattern of the population
of Pará in the last century. We sought to identify all the scientific papers that contained data on the dietary
habits of the population of Pará during the XX Century. This material allowed us to characterize the eating
pattern of this population during the XX Century which included an elevated consumption of salt, used to
preserve meats and seafood, a relatively low and irregular consumption of legumes and leaves and an important
consumption of carbohydrates with the cassava flour being the main source and frequently containing dyestuffs.
This dietary pattern, probably common to other regions of the Amazon, can be characterized as potentially
supportive of certain conditions associated with gastric carcinogenesis. In this sense it could have contributed,
at least partially, to the high mortality rates from this neoplasia in the Amazon region of Brazil.


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How to Cite

da Silva RESENDE, A. L., Echenique MATTOS, I., & KOIFMAN, S. (2023). Diet and gastric cancer: historical aspects associated with dietary patterns in the state of Pará, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 19(4). Retrieved from