Redox-active labile iron in fortified flours from the Brazilian market


  • Breno Pannia ESPÓSITO Universidade de São Paulo


Brazil, flour, fluorescence, iron, redox activity


To quantify the fraction of redox-active labile iron in iron-fortified flours acquired on the Brazilian market.

Samples of wheat flour, maize flour and breadcrumbs were extracted with buffers that mimic gastric juice, saliva and intestinal juice. Redox-active labile iron levels were assessed through the reaction of autoxidation of ascorbic acid catalyzed by iron in the presence of a fluorescence probe.

Redox-active labile iron represents 1% to 9% of the total iron in the flour and breadcrumb samples, with the lowest values found under gastric juice conditions and the highest in the more alkaline media. Redox-active labile iron possibly arises from the decomposition of an iron-phytic acid complex. A positive correlation between redox-active labile iron and total iron was found in saline biomimetic fluids.

Redox-active labile iron may be a risk factor for people with impaired antioxidant defenses, such as those who are atransferrinemic or iron overloaded (e.g. thalassemic). Total iron can be used to predict redox-active labile iron absorption at each stage of the gastrointestinal tract after ingestion of iron-fortified flours. 


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How to Cite

Pannia ESPÓSITO, B. . (2023). Redox-active labile iron in fortified flours from the Brazilian market. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 20(4). Retrieved from

