Association between risk of dysphagia and nutritional risk in elderly inpatients at a Univesity Hospital of Brasília, Brazil


  • Juliana Rolim Vieira MACIEL Hospital Universitário de Brasília
  • Carlos Jorge Rocha OLIVEIRA Universidade Anhembi Morumbi de São Paulo
  • Cristiane de Melo Pantaleão TADA GANEP-Nutrição Humana


Nutrition assessment, Malnutrition, Aged, Deglutition disorders


This study aimed to verify the association between the degree of risk of dysphagia and nutritional risk of elderly inpatients at the medical clinic of Brasília´s University Hospital.

This is a cross-sectional, analytic, original, observational, uncontrolled study with convenience and stratified sample. The Mini Nutritional Assessment and a questionnaire to assess risk of dysphagia were administered to 49 elderly patients within the first 48 hours after admission to the medical clinic, in September 2006.

Most of the elderly inpatients aged from 60 to 74 years and 11 months (78%) with a mean age of 69 years; 41% were females and 59% were males. Sixty-nine percent of the elderly inpatients were at risk of dysphagia and 71% presented inadequate nutritional status, especially women. Both males (20.5, standard deviation= 5) and females (19, standard deviation= 6) were at nutritional risk. The study showed that women are more likely to develop dysphagia yet men presented a higher degree of risk (moderate risk). There is a moderate negative correlation between the values obtained for the risk of dysphagia and their respective Mini
Nutritional Assessment scores.

This study verified that two factors aggravate the quality of life of the elderly: their nutritional status and dysphagia. Both can worsen dramatically during hospitalization. 


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How to Cite

Rolim Vieira MACIEL, J., Rocha OLIVEIRA, C. J. ., & Pantaleão TADA, C. de M. (2023). Association between risk of dysphagia and nutritional risk in elderly inpatients at a Univesity Hospital of Brasília, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 21(4). Retrieved from

