Fatores de risco para sobrepeso entre adolescentes: análise de três cidades brasileiras


  • Isabela da Costa RIBEIRO Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná
  • Fernando Antonio Basile COLUGNATI Instituto de Pesquisas em Tecnologia e Inovação
  • José Augusto de Aguiar Carrazedo TADDEI Universidade Federal de São Paulo


Adolescent, Analytic Epidemiology, Body mass índex, Overweight


The objective of this study was to conduct a comparative analysis of risk factors for overweight among adolescents from three Brazilian cities, Pelotas, São Paulo and Goiânia.

The three datasets derived from case-control studies that investigated risk factors for overweight/obesity among adolescents from the three cities. Adolescents were classified as overweight when body mass index exceeded the 85th percentile of the National Center for Health Statistics. Multivariate analysis using a hierarchical logistic regression model was performed.

A total of 903 postpubertal adolescents were studied (443 cases and 460 controls). The unadjusted analysis combining the 3 datasets improved the power of associations when males and females were addressed separately. Maternal education ≤8 years doubled the risk of overweight among girls; parents’ obesity was a strong predictor of adolescents’ overweight; watching television for ≥4 hours was significantly associated with females’ overweight but not males’; consumption of visible fat from meat increased the risk of overweight among boys by 70% while the consumption of fried foods had a negative association with girls’ body mass index. Finally, alcohol consumption was significantly and inversely associated with overweight among boys only.

Postpubertal girls from families with lower educational levels should receive special attention when strategies to prevent and control overweight are planned and executed. 


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How to Cite

da Costa RIBEIRO, I. ., Basile COLUGNATI, F. A. ., & de Aguiar Carrazedo TADDEI, J. A. (2023). Fatores de risco para sobrepeso entre adolescentes: análise de três cidades brasileiras. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 22(4). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/nutricao/article/view/9501

