The emergence of obesogenic societies or obesity as a social problem
Feeding, Food and nutritional education, Life style, ObesityAbstract
This article shows how the biomedical conception of obesity and the preventive proposals that have been institutionally produced in Spain during the last decade have helped to turn the body weight and food into a social problem. The experts’ definition relating to the main causes of increase in body fat provide paramount information on the concept of so-called obesogenic societies and their lifestyles. Normally, the means adopted to change lifestyles focus primarily on individual responsibility and nutritional educations. This article demonstrates that even though there is unanimity in the diagnosis, it is insufficient or not accurate enough, as it should enclose more detail about the consequences of changing eating habits, and how these influence the health of different social groups. An analysis of the initiatives and prevention programs developed in several countries may favor the standardization of international strategies against the obesity epidemic and serves to reflect on the effects of establishing a limited concept of culture and food.
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