Nutrition facts of infant formulas sold in São Paulo state

assessment of fat and fatty acid contents


  • Mahyara Markievicz Mancio KUS Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Laboratório de Lipídeos.
  • Simone Alves da SILVA Instituto Adolfo Lutz, Departamento de Bromatologia e Química, Laboratório de Cromatografia.
  • Sabria AUED-PIMENTEL Instituto Adolfo Lutz, Departamento de Bromatologia e Química, Laboratório de Cromatografia.
  • Jorge MANCINI-FILHO Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Laboratório de Lipídeos


Fatty acids, Infant formula, Nutritional facts, Lipids, Infant nutrition


This study determined the contents of fats, saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid in infant formulas and compared them with the nutrition facts reported on the respective packaging.
Fourteen samples of six different infant formula brands sold in the state of São Paulo were analyzed. The extraction and quantification of fats were done by the official method (Roese Gottlieb) and the quantification of fatty acids by gas chromatography using an internal standard. All analyses were repeated three times.
The results showed that the nutrition facts printed on the packaging regarding total fats were correct for all samples, one was incorrect for saturated fatty acids, six were incorrect for trans fatty acids, four were incorrect for linoleic acid, ten were incorrect for alpha-linolenic acid, two were incorrect for arachidonic acid and three were incorrect for docosahexaenoic acid. The formulas that presented the greatest differences between nutrition facts and actual contents were those for infants aged zero to six months.
The results indicate that sanitary surveillance programs need to constantly monitor these products since the incorrect amount of nutrients may significantly affect the child’s development.


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How to Cite

KUS, M. M. M., SILVA, S. A. da, AUED-PIMENTEL, S., & MANCINI-FILHO, J. . (2023). Nutrition facts of infant formulas sold in São Paulo state: assessment of fat and fatty acid contents. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 24(2). Retrieved from

