Habitual adult and elderly intake of vitamin K


  • Wysllenny Nascimento de SOUZA Universidade de São Paulo
  • Mayara Leopoldina RODRIGUES Universidade de São Paulo
  • Marilene De Vuono Camargo PENTEADO Universidade de São Paulo


Adults, Food consumption, Aged, Eating, Osteoporosis, Vitamin K


The aim of this study was to evaluate vitamin K intake by healthy adults and elderly.

A cross-sectional study included 173 subjects of both genders. The habitual intake of each participant was determined by three non-consecutive 24-hour recalls. Intra- and interpersonal variability was determined by the software PC-SIDE.

The mean and median vitamin K intakes of the sample were 110.7mg/day and 99mg/day, respectively. The elderly presented higher intakes, with a median intake of 104mg/day. Adult and elderly vitamin K intakes were statistically different (p=0.00) and consumption of vegetables was strongly correlated with total vitamin K intake.

Regardless of age and gender, vitamin K intake was inadequate in nearly half the sample, which may cause an increased risk of dietary inadequacy, possibly leading to bone disorders and/or exacerbation of those already present in the elderly


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How to Cite

Nascimento de SOUZA, W. ., Leopoldina RODRIGUES, M., & De Vuono Camargo PENTEADO, M. . (2023). Habitual adult and elderly intake of vitamin K. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 25(4). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/nutricao/article/view/9284

