Nutritional evaluation and ageing


  • Lílian Ramos SAMPAIO Universidade Federal da Bahia


The evaluation of the nutritional status of the elderly is complex due to the influence of several factors, which require detailed investigation, in order to reach an exact and accurate diagnosis that will enable the prescription of adequate nutrition. There are physiological alterations, chronic pathological processes and individual situations that occur with ageing, which generally interfere with the individual’s nutritional status. This requires the association of nutritional indicators and the use of the most specific reference patterns, when performing such evaluation. To contribute to the nutritional study of the elderly, this paper discusses the main aspects related to the evaluation of their nutritional status, emphasizing the most appropriate evaluation criteria and indicators for such age group, and considering the changes inherent in the ageing process.


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How to Cite

Ramos SAMPAIO, L. . (2023). Nutritional evaluation and ageing. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 17(4). Retrieved from