Use of multimixture during lactation and its effects on production and composition of rat milk


  • Milane Souza LEITE Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Vilma Blondet de AZEREDO Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Maria das Graças Tavares do CARMO Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Gilson Teles BOAVENTURA Universidade Federal Fluminense


lactation, milk production, multimixture, diet


The addition of multimixture, composed of bran, green leaves powder, seeds powder and eggshell powder, to the population’s diet has been encouraged in Brazil, as a means to increase the production of breast milk, although without scientific bases that confirm its efficacy. The objective of this study was to evaluate the lactation performance of rats receiving ad libitum diet supplemented with 2% of multimixture (MM). Female Wistar-lactating rats of 90 to 100 days of age were divided into the following groups (n=12): a) fed the typical diet of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (HERJ); b) HERJ diet supplemented with 2% of multimixture (HERJ+MM);
c) casein diet, with 12% of proteins (CAS1); d) casein diet, with 20% of proteins (CAS2). Lipid, lactose and protein concentrations and milk production were determined. The HERJ+MM group presented significantly lower milk production (p<0.05) and lower lactose content. In conclusion, there was a decrease in the lactation performance of rats which received diet supplemented with 2% of multimixture.


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How to Cite

Souza LEITE, M. ., Blondet de AZEREDO, V. ., Tavares do CARMO, M. das G., & Teles BOAVENTURA, G. . (2002). Use of multimixture during lactation and its effects on production and composition of rat milk. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 15(2). Retrieved from

