Creatine as an ergogenic supplement for athletes


  • José PERALTA Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Olga Maria Silverio AMANCIO Universidade Federal de São Paulo


creatine, supplementary feeding, metabolism, exercise


Several researches on creatine have been done due to its potential effects on the physical performance of athletes involved in high intensity, short duration and intermittent exercises with short periods of recovery. Phosphorylated creatine is an energy reserve in the muscle cells. During an intense exercise, its breakdown liberates energy used to regenerate adenosine triphosphate. Approximately 95% of the creatine pool is found in the skeletal muscle, and the regenerating process after exercise is oxygen dependent. Studies show that supplementation with this compound may procedure an increase of 10% to 20% in the organic pool, and this percentage is higher in vegetarian athletes (up to 60%). There is still controversy regarding the benefits and risks of supplementation with this substance. This paper reviews some aspects related to the creatine metabolism and its use as an ergogenic substance in sports practice.


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How to Cite

PERALTA, J. ., & Silverio AMANCIO, O. M. . (2002). Creatine as an ergogenic supplement for athletes. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 15(1). Retrieved from

