
  • Ileana Mourão KAZAPI Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Patrícia Faria Di PIETRO Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.
  • Sandra Regina Paulon AVANCINI Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Sérgio Fernando Torres de FREITAS Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Vera Lúcia Cardoso Garcia TRAMONTE Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


adolescents, food pattern, macronutrients consumption


The aim of this study was to evaluate the adequacy of energy and macronutrients consumption in adolescent students from public (EPU) and private schools (EPR) of Florianópolis, state of Santa Catarina. The sample consisted of 797 students: 466 (228 female and 238 male) from public schools and 331 (175 female and 156 male) from private schools. The informations were obtained using the 24-hour recall method. It was observed that around 50% of the adolescents presented insufficient energy intake and more than 50% of them had adequate consumption of carbohydrates. The students that had high intake of carbohydrates were male from public schools (12.6% EPU and 3.8% EPR). More than 50% of the students had high protein intake (54.3% EPU and 58.9% EPR), with prevalence among boys (61.7% male and 50.6% female). Only 30.5% of the students from public schools and 36.5% from private schools had adequate lipid consumption, and there was a large pecentage of adolescents with high lipid intake (33.9% EPU and 39.0% EPR). Low lipid intake was more prevalent among boys (35.3% male versus 26.8% female) and among students from public schools (41.6% EPU and 25.6% EPR). It was concluded that the food consumption pattern of those adolescents may be associated with danger to their health in the future.


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How to Cite

Mourão KAZAPI, I. ., Faria Di PIETRO, P., Paulon AVANCINI, S. R., Torres de FREITAS, S. F., & Cardoso Garcia TRAMONTE, V. L. . (2001). ENERGY AND MACRONUTRIENTS CONSUMPTION BY ADOLESCENTS FROM PUBLIC PRIVATE SCHOOLS. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 14(Suplemento). Retrieved from