
  • Nelzir Trindade REIS Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Cláudia dos Santos COPLE Universidade Gama Filho


nutritional assessment, alcoholic liver cirrhosis, diet therapy, clinical nutrition in alcoholic cirrhosis, alcoholism


The protein-calorie malnutrition is very common in the cirrhotic patients and it represents a risk in the morbidity and mortality rates increase. Independently of the etiologic factor, its prevalence is high and has repercussions in both sexes. This cases study had the
objective of verifying the impact of alcoholic cirrhosis in the nutritional status and the efficacy of the diet therapy in the reversion of malnutrition. Fifty patients (47 men and 3 women) were studied. They were attended at the Nutrition Ambulatory, where an objective nutritional assessment was carried out wish anthropometric, biochemical and clinical parameters and dietetic history in three distinct moments (beginning, 8th and 18th month of treatment). The first results revealed that 96% of the cirrhotic patients presented some level of malnutrition and in the 18th month the nutritional parameters were normalized.


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How to Cite

Trindade REIS, N., & dos Santos COPLE, C. (1998). NUTRITION FOLLOW-UP O CIRRHOTIC PATIENTS WITH PREVIOUS HISTORY OF ALCOHOLISM. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 11(2). Retrieved from

