
  • Poliana Coelho CABRAL Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Maria Goretti Pessoa de Araújo BURGOS Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Alcinda de Queiroz MEDEIROS Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Ana Karina Teixeira TENÓRIO Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Charla Cavalcante FEITOZA Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


nutritional assessment, impatients, food habits, food taboo


The purpose of this research was to evaluate the nutritional status of hospitalized patients, aged 15 to 89 years old, from the Hospital das Clínicas - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - Brazil. The sample, chosen at random, consisted of 154 individuals of both sexes (74 males and 80 females). Anthropometric data, food habits and reasons for hospitalization were recorded during the assessment. The analysis showed a great nutritional instability, with high prevalences of underweight and overweight. Regarding
food habits, it was observed a poor and monotonous menu, resulted from a lack of variety. Of the patients interviewed, the majority mentioned only six kinds of common foods as their favourites (rice and beans, beef, chicken, macaroni and bread). On the other hand, this study also made clear the high frequency of food taboos, which might limit the consumption of various nutrients. In terms of admissions to the medical and surgical services, the proportion for both groups was very similar.


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How to Cite

Coelho CABRAL, P. ., Goretti Pessoa de Araújo BURGOS, M. ., de Queiroz MEDEIROS, A. ., Teixeira TENÓRIO, A. K. ., & Cavalcante FEITOZA, C. (1998). EVALUATION OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF HOSPITALIZED PATIENTS FROM AN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 11(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/nutricao/article/view/8583

