School context in the transition from the early years to the final years of Elementary Education
Palabras clave:
Emotional adjustment, Psichological adaptation, Social adjustmentResumen
The transition between the two cycles of Elementary School is a process with anticipations and expectations in the 5th as well as demands and adaptations in the 6th year. The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of the transition taking into account the nature of the transition. A prospective study was carried out with two data collections (5th and 6th grade). A total of 379 public-school students (212 girls), with a mean age of 10.6 years (SD = 0.91), were enrolled at the beginning of the study. The instruments used were Brazil Test, Child Stress Scale, Social Skills Assessment System, Self-Concept Assessment Questionnaire, and Multidimensional Life Satisfaction Scale for Children. When comparing the two grades, children who did not change schools showed more stability, especially in academic self-concept; those enrolled in municipal schools showed a greater decrease in self-concept and satisfaction with life. School change seems to increase the demands of transition.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Cynthia CASSONI, Edna Maria MARTURANO, Anne Marie FONTAINE, Vanessa Barbosa Romera LEME

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