Token system: evaluation through experimental design of multiple baselines


  • Marina BANDEIRA Funrei - S. J. Dei Rei
  • Mauro José GOMES Funrei - S. J. Dei Rei


Sistema de Fichas, Linha de Base Múltipla, Supervisão de Estágio, Criança Deficiente


The therapeutic impact of a token program for the treatment of a deficient child was evaluated by means of a single case experimental design, the multiple baseline designo The results show an increase in the frequency of the three reinforced behaviors, but also a generalized effect on the nature of the interperssonal relationships of the child with his group.

The authors emphasize the advantages of this experimental design in terms of its adequability to clínical situations, its flexibility and its importance for the training of undergraduated students in clinical settings, since it provides a continuity with lheir basic training in experimental psychology.


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How to Cite

BANDEIRA, M. ., & GOMES, M. J. . (1991). Token system: evaluation through experimental design of multiple baselines. Psychological Studies, 8(2), 138–153. Retrieved from