Children’s behavioral problems and stress as a consequence of dental treatment anxiety


  • Cármen Lúcia CARDOSO Universidade de São Paulo
  • Sonia Regina LOUREIRO Universidade de São Paulo


dental treatment anxiety, stress, pediatric dental treatment, health psychology


Anxiety and stress are usually related to the dental treatment situation; and pain, physiological and psycological treatment issues may be evaluated specially by children patients, as they are considered well-being potential threats. The comparison between children’s stress and behavioral profile of a children’s group with high level of anxiety during dental treatment (G1) to a group of children, who cooperate to the attendance (G2) was this study proposal. The following technical intruments were applied: the Rutter A2 Parent Scale and the Child Stress Scale. Children from G1 had presented highier stress and behavioral difficulties rates than the G2 (p≤0.01) ones. According to this paper, the systematic application of these instruments in a clinical school has identified those children with difficulties, and the best prophylactic and intervention procedures that minimize the pediatric dental treatment dificulties occurrence situations.



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How to Cite

CARDOSO, C. L. ., & LOUREIRO, S. R. . (2005). Children’s behavioral problems and stress as a consequence of dental treatment anxiety. Psychological Studies (Campinas), 22(1). Retrieved from

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