The reform of the Brazilian judicial branch in light of the Nuremberg categories of justice
Gross human rights violations, Nuremberg, Judicial BranchAbstract
The Nuremberg trials in the post-World War II period established a pattern of transitional justice based on the protagonism of criminal justice as a mechanism for (re)establishing the rule of law, capable of being applied to contexts not necessarily identical to those of European countries in the 20th century. For this reason, the so-called “Nuremberg categories of justice”, systematized by Ruti Teitel, can be used to understand the political transition experienced in Brazil, particularly with regard to the attempt to reform public institutions. Thus, by applying the principles established in Nuremberg to the Brazilian Judiciary Reform of 2004, this article aims to demonstrate how this paradigmatic precedent impacted the transformation of Brazilian justice institutions in what concerns the protection and promotion of human rights. The research uses an inductive approach methodology and combines comparative and typological procedural methods in the building up of its conclusions.
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