Visual law, privacy by design and data protection
understanding and transparency of personal data privacy notices, policies and terms
Digital law, Legal design, Personal data, Transparency, Visual lawAbstract
This article aims to discuss the application of user-centered writing, Visual Law and Legal Design techniques
in personal data privacy notices, policies and terms, as tools to ensure the transparency of procedures and the
understanding of data subjects. The article was carried out using a deductive methodology, and predominantly
bibliographic materials were used, including doctrines, monographs, theses, scientific articles, and the consultation
of legislation itself, collecting the most relevant information about the topic raised. The problem faced in this
research was: starting from an informational society, which consumes a large volume of information in a short
period of time, human-centered design techniques can be tools that enhance the reading and understanding of
documents that deal with treatment of personal data? The process of adapting to the General Data Protection
Law requires organizations to act transparently regarding the collection, maintenance, use and sharing of personal
data. The challenge is to balance the provisions of data protection laws that require detailed information, with
objective and synthetic exposure to data subjects. Therefore, based on the principle of transparency, the use
of Visual Law techniques proves to be extremely relevant for the interpretation, understanding and security of
data subjects. It is concluded that the interdisciplinarity between Design and Law is capable of promoting more
empathetic, visual and understandable Notices, Policies and Privacy Terms.
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