information, organization, industry, quality, technologyAbstract
This paper analyzes strategic dimensions of the competitiveness in small and medium manufacturing companies, involving information, quality, technology, and environmental management. Based an a simple but not linear and dynamic conceptual model, some basic aspects of the dimensions were unfolded and investigated infield research involving 90 companies.
The analysis of the data indicates that the medium apprenticeship of those companies presents
limitations in thefour dimensions, when compared with a "company of excellence" as a reference in those four fields. The limitation in knowledge management induces to difjiculties in the implantation ofinformation, quality, technology, and environment systems. Less than 20% ofthe companies present some conjiguration in those dimensions, but with a large limitations in information management and technology management of products processes, environmental management depending on that last one. This, there is a need of movements of consciousness of the companies through ejJortsfrom the governmental organs, class associations and universities, seeking to collaborate for the generation of knowledge in those
organizations, at least in the four analyzed dimensions, because they are competitiveness
factors in a global economy.
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