The historical research in Education: The necessary knowledge for the practice of teaching


  • Lídia Eugenia CAVALCANTE Universidade Federal do Ceará


historical research, learning, teaching competence, history and information science


This study focuses on the importance of the historical research at the undergraduate and graduate levels of the Information Science courses, highlighting its contribution to the students’ professional education. It considers how the historical research will contribute not only to the knowledge acquired in
the classroom, but also to daily practices, creating a more dynamic involvement with society along the process. It also stresses that any knowledge, in its complexity,
is neither absolute nor eternal. There is always a relationship with other areas and types of knowledge, with new forms of thinking, even with new values. Thus, these aspects must be observed by educators, who will develop in their work learning situations that will lead learners to creative, autonomous and critical
thinking about the realities discussed in class.


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How to Cite

CAVALCANTE, L. E. . (2003). The historical research in Education: The necessary knowledge for the practice of teaching. Transinformação, 15(2), 1–10. Retrieved from

