Documentary language and terminology


  • Marilda Lopes Ginez de LARA Universidade de São Paulo


documentary language, information organization, terminology, terminological standards, Linguistics


Documentary language must be built rigorously to constitute itself as information organizing and information communication system, in any area of its utilization (bibliographic bases, web sites or technical manuals’ contents). Theoretic and concrete terminologies contribute to such objectives, as they provide principles to identify subject fields (domains), to delimit concepts and terms, and to establish concept relations supported by definitions, besides providing concrete references to descriptors. In order to make the comprehension of terminoloical concepts more accessible, we explore the terminological standards ISO 704:2000 and ISO 1087-1:2000, related to concepts and the modeling of concept systems. We emphasize the importance of Terminology to documentary languages construction, as it transcends the normalized use of terms: the appropriation of terminological procedures and concepts by the Information Science (and the Documental Linguistics) is closely related to its object specificity and objectives, since terminology usage, side by side with contributions from other domains, pursues the constitution of information units.


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How to Cite

Lopes Ginez de LARA, M. . (2004). Documentary language and terminology. Transinformação, 16(3), 1–10. Retrieved from


