Rethinking the potentiality of the conception of vocation and teachers’ craft




Condition of teaching work, Discipline (Knowledge), Entrepreneurship, Teacher’s vocation


The term vocation has been set aside in favor of professionalization. At the same time, business values colonize our ways of life, including education. Teachers’ work, for instance, has been more and more adapted to the professionalizing values of the market. The idea of teachers’ craft,
therefore, is out of date and seems out of “situation”, since craft does not suit the demand for flexibility at work, for instance. Thus, there is a change of the logic in schools that aims to adapt to the hegemonic economic system, modifying profoundly our conception of values in education.
However, nowadays, some thinkers about education rescue the potentiality of retaking the
conception of vocation and craft. This is the case of Jorge Larrosa. This paper seeks to bring out the importance of Larrosa’s critical position. To this end, a critical-interpretative bibliography investigation is carried out around this issue that Larrosa shows us when discussing with other contemporary thinkers, such as Sennett and Deleuze, among others.


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Agamben, G. Moyens sans fins: Notes sur la politique. Paris: Éditions Payt et Rivages, 2010.

Canetti, E. A língua absolvida: história de uma juventude. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1987.

Deleuze, G. Proust et les signes. Paris: PUF, 1970.

Flusser, V. Gestos. São Paulo: Annablume, 2014.

Focillon, H. Vie des formes: suivi de L’éloge de la main. Paris: PUF, 1955.

Foucault, M. Surveiller et punir: Naissance de la prison. Paris: Gallimard, 1975.

Larrosa, J. Esperando não se sabe o quê: Sobre o ofício de professor. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2018.

Laval, C. A escola não é uma empresa: o neoliberalismo em ataque ao ensino público. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2019.

Masschelein, J.; Simons, M. A pedagogia, a democracia, a escola. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2014.

Masschelein, J.; Simons, M. Em defesa da escola: uma questão pública. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2013.

Merleau-Ponty, M. La structure du comportement. Paris : PUF, 2002.

Sennett, R. O artífice. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2009.

Weber, M. A Ética Protestante e o Espírito do Capitalismo. São Paulo: Centauro, 2001.

Williams, J. Stoner. Rio de Janeiro: Rádio Londres, 2014.



How to Cite

Manzi Filho, R. (2024). Rethinking the potentiality of the conception of vocation and teachers’ craft. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, 29.


