Shared teaching practice

an experience report in teaching Statistics




Statistics for basic education, Mathematics degree, Shared classroom


The present work is an experience report of Shared Teaching Practice carried out in an introductory course of Statistics offered to Mathematics undergraduate students. As Shared Teaching Practice in the Teaching Degree course we mean the entire organization and implementation of a subject in charge of two or more responsible teachers, at least one being a basic education teacher. In particular, we sought to identify how the presence of a basic education teacher could contribute to reflections on the teaching of Statistics for this same segment, and how the joint work of these teachers could allow the construction of bridges between the teaching of Statistics in school and at the university. To this end, during the second semester of 2021, a Shared Teaching Practice project was carried out in an introductory Statistics course at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. In this project, both the higher education teacher, a statistician by training, and the basic education mathematics teacher were jointly responsible for the organization, implementation and evaluation of the course. This report describes how this experience took place, the positive and negative aspects observed, and seeks to answer the initial questions raised. The analysis of the data collected in the work indicates that the presence of the basic education teacher encouraged the undergraduates to have a look at the teaching of Statistics more focused on the reality of basic education. In addition, the presence of two professors, from different segments and with different backgrounds, raised a greater discussion on statistical knowledge, allowing the presentation of different perspectives on the same topic.



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How to Cite

Baccar, M. H. M. M. ., Silva, A. S. da, & Velasque, L. de S. (2023). Shared teaching practice: an experience report in teaching Statistics. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, 28.



Dossiê Práticas Pedagógicas e Processos Educativos em Educação Estatística