
  • Elenice Maria Cammarosano Onofre


Human rights, School education in prison, Educational processes in prision


This text presents ref/ection upon the educational processes that happen in places with freedom destitution, seeking to evidence that prison based on the authoritarian exercise of power happen, denies the possibility of reintegration of the person in the society. The qualitative research has as the object of the study a schoo/ inside a ma/e prison of the state of São Pau/o/Brazil. The methodological procedures used are the documental ana/ysis, informal conversations and semi­ strutured interviews, and the subjects are eighteen students and eight teachers. The analysis of the data col/ected are analysed based on authors involved in this theme in Latin America, allows to reorganize paths to the educational practices that happen inside those prison unities, specially inside the schoo/ which, a/thoug inside a repressive context, performs the nature of its function: mediator among know/edge, cultures and the reality, offering possibilities of preservation of the human rights of young peop/e and adults in freedom destitution.


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How to Cite

Onofre, E. M. C. (2009). EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES IN PLACES WITH FREEDOM DESTITUTION. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (27). Retrieved from


