Literacy and “lettering”
challenges contemporary to teaching in initial grades
Literacy, Education, LetteringAbstract
This work is the result of a Masters research in Education that investigated the conceptual and methodological transformations on the processes of literacy and “lettering” resulting from the implementation of nine-year Elementary School in the public education system of Uberlândia, in the state of Minas Gerais. The study allowed reflections on the
characterization of six-year-old children, as well as the pedagogical work developed with them, in which the subjects revealed their practices and concepts on literacy and “lettering” processes reflected on the speeches and the daily actions. Having in mind the agreement between the professionals responsible for implementing the policy in focus, it is considered
that the materialization of this process of change can be configured in the pedagogical practice as development limits or possibilities of a qualitative work with literacy and “lettering”.
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